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WHAT IS COWTOWN FRIENDS OF FORT WORTH ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL?Cowtown Friends of Fort Worth Animal Care & Control is a 501(c)3 public charity exempt from Federal tax and a nonprofit corporation chartered in the State of Texas. Our mission is to support Fort Worth Animal Care and Control and enhance its efforts to save the lives of pets in need.
DOES COWTOWN FRIENDS OF FORT WORTH ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL OPERATE FORT WORTH ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL?No, Cowtown Friends does not operate Fort Worth Animal Care & Control. Cowtown Friends does not operate the shelter and is not involved in shelter management or policy, procedures, or decisions concerning the shelter. Questions concerning the shelter or shelter pets must be directed to the shelter. Please visit:
WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COWTOWN FRIENDS AND FORT WORTH ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL?Cowtown Friends is a separate organization from Fort Worth Animal Care & Control. Cowtown Friends is a 501(c)3 public charity exempt from Federal income tax. Thus donations to Cowtown Friends may be deductible under the IRS code (consult your tax advisor). Cowtown Friends is an entirely volunteer organization and is NOT located at the shelter. Cowtown Friends receives no government funding and relies solely on community members to support our mission. Operating funds are only acquired through private donations, grants, planned giving and fundraising events/solicitations.
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE (OR RELATIONSHIP) BETWEEN COWTOWN FRIENDS OF FORT WORTH ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL AND FORT WORTH ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL?Fort Worth Animal Care & Control is responsible for the operation of all animal services in the city and is run by the City of Fort Worth. Funding for the day-to-day operation of Fort Worth Animal Care & Control is provided by the City of Fort Worth. Cowtown Friends is a non-profit organization that raises private funds to provide for programs and services above and beyond those funded by the City. Shelter management and the Cowtown Friends board work closely together to identify key initiatives and priorities.
WHY WAS COWTOWN FRIENDS FORMED?Collectively, the shelter and a committed group of volunteers recognized that there were certain needs that went beyond the scope of what the city could fund. In order to better address these needs, Cowtown Friends was formed. Cowtown Friends does not compete with or replace any shelter functions; rather, it provides additional support to the existing shelter infrastructure and organization.
WHY DONATE TO COWTOWN FRIENDS AND NOT DIRECTLY TO THE SHELTER?Any donation to help the shelter pets is always greatly appreciated no matter where the donation is made. As a public charity approved under the special IRS Code 501 section (c)3, donations to Cowtown Friends are clearly considered exempt from Federal tax (if appropriate for your tax circumstances). Also, Cowtown Friends is structured to maintain appropriate gift information, summaries, tax letters and receipts as required by the IRS. Cowtown Friends is subject to IRS oversight, as well as the corporate laws and regulations of the State of Texas. The Cowtown Friends Board of Directors is accountable for all governance and use of donor funds – and maintains a private auditor. Donations to the shelter, a government entity, under the direction of City Code Compliance. The City is a nonprofit entity under a different IRS code but payments are not designated as exempt from Federal tax under that IRS code. Donations to the shelter directly may or may not be considered exempt on Federal tax filings (consult your tax advisor). Donations directly to Fort Worth Animal Care & Control are appreciated, since caring for nearly 18,000 animals each year routinely outstrips available resources, particularly since the County has committed to reducing its euthanasia rate. Every gift made to the shelter helps ensure more resources are available to continue healing animals with treatable conditions. However, our nonprofit offers more flexibility, since it is not encumbered by the same procurement restrictions that governments must adhere to, such as spending limits and pre-approved vendors. While our advisory board is prudent with our resources, we are able to respond quickly when needs arise to make an immediate impact for our pets.
IS COWTOWN FRIENDS AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER SHELTERS OR RESCUE GROUPS?There is no direct affiliation with any local rescue groups. Cowtown Friends is NOT a rescue and does not handle any pets directly. Cowtown Friends is primarily a fundraising organization that raises funds, provides education and supports local animal welfare programs to support Fort Worth Animal Care and Control.
HOW DOES COWTOWN FRIENDS RAISE FUNDS FOR FORT WORTH ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL?Funds are raised through direct requests, social media solicitations, Facebook/Instagram, newsletters, email blasts and other marketing/PR outreach. Cowtown Friends is a major participant in the annual North Texas Giving Day in September, where a majority of operating funds are raised. Throughout the year, events are hosted by local businesses benefiting Cowtown Friends. If you wish to host a fundraiser, please contact us:
CAN I VOLUNTEER FOR COWTOWN FRIENDS?We are always pleased to hear from interested individuals and businesses. If you are interested in learning about volunteer opportunities directly with Cowtown Friends, email If you are interested in volunteering at the animal shelter, visit the shelter website.
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